Healthy Snacking
A common myth about snacking is that it’s not good for you. This might be true if you’re helping yourself to candy, chips, or other junk foods throughout the day. But healthy snacking is possible. It’s what you eat and how much you eat that matters.

How to make snacks work for you
The key to healthy snacking is to make smart choices about what you’re eating. Snacks should come from one or more of the following food groups:
They should also be high in nutrients, and low in fat, added sugar, and salt. When snacking, it’s also important to watch how much you’re eating. A snack should be treated as a very small meal. The point is to eat just enough to take the edge off your hunger, not to eat until you’re full.
Pack snacks ahead of time
The body’s fuel runs out within several hours after eating a meal. If you don’t eat, you’ll feel your energy level drop. You may also notice that you’re less focused and alert. Try packing snacks to bring with you to work, school, or wherever your busy schedule takes you. Otherwise, you’ll end up relying on snacks from vending machines or convenience stores that are often high in fat and added sugars and low in nutrients.
Pick your snacks wisely
Low-fat choices to include:
Whole-wheat bagel with low-fat cream cheese
Fat-free or low-fat muffin
Rice cakes
Low-fat granola bars
Whole-grain crackers and graham crackers
Low-fat and unsalted microwave popcorn
High-fat choices to pass up:
Danish and donuts
Snack cakes and cupcakes
Chips and crackers
Chocolate bars
Cream-filled cookies
Ready-made popcorn
Snacks for anytime, anywhere
In addition to some of the snacks mentioned above, other good packable snacks include:
Single-serving boxes of dry and unsweetened cereal
Fresh fruit (oranges, pears, grapes, and apples all travel well)
Dried fruit
Fresh vegetables
Vegetable sticks or baby carrots
Mini-boxes of raisins
Unsweetened juice boxes
Unsalted nuts and seeds
Peanut butter
Snack supplies for home and work
Raw vegetables
Fresh fruits
Fat-free or low-fat yogurt
Unsweetened applesauce or canned fruit
Low-fat cheese slices or string cheese
Fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese
Whole-wheat tortillas
Hard-boiled eggs
Peanut butter
Slices of lean turkey or chicken